Personal Quarantine Mini Golf Putter
During quarentine lock down at college, I wanted to play mini golf in my room. On hand I had time, my 3D printer, and the lower half of a two-piece fishing rod that was the perfect length for a handle. My first step was to design the putter head in SolidWorks.
I researched mini golf putters to get an idea of angles, sizes, and the general weight. Then drafted some prototypes and used an iterative process to find the best angle for me given the handle I was using. The putter head design its self was a combination of the ones I had seen online and my own prsonal opinion on how it should look.
Once I had a putter head with the right shape, I needed to make it weigh significantly more since hollow PLA was too light to affect the ball. I could have just printed the head with 100% infill, but that was a little too long and expensive a process for me. So instead I took some sand from the volley ball courts and added it just before the printer started the top few layers, sealing it in. It wasn’t as heavey as a metal putter, but it felt good and allowed me to actually aim the ball.
The final product worked pretty well and gave me some great entertainment!